COVID-19 Clinical Trials
Sorrento Therapeutics, Inc. has licensed this program and is conducting this clinical trial (
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is a global pandemic that is threatening the health and welfare of the entire world. Treatment options are needed now. The White House Coronavirus Task Force asked PSC to file for accelerated FDA approval for our first study, for COVID-19. We immediately submitted our FDA request and received FDA approval quickly.
Why Stem Cells for COVID-19?
- Stem cell therapy is one of the few approaches that directly treats the lung inflammation of the most serious COVID-19 patients
- Recent publications report strikingly positive outcomes from treating COVID-19 patients with stem cells (China, Israel)
- Published studies show reduction in death loss and reduced ventilator need
- PSC has FDA-inspected stem cell manufacturing facilities already producing stem cells
COVID-19 Clinical Trial
- This first study is only in a single hospital in California and limited to 20 serious patients
- Please do not request enrollment information at this time as the limited enrollment will
be done at the hospital from existing hospitalized COVID-19 patients. - Clinical Trial Design
- 20 patient Phase 1 study – one hospital
- IV treatment of hospitalized serious COVID-19 patients
- Stem cells are from disease-screened donors manufactured in FDA facilities
- Three doses will be given over several days by simple IV infusion
- 86-day study – measures reduction in days in the ICU, reduction in ventilator use, safety, lung function
- Enrollment planned to begin in August
Literature References
- Mesenchymal Stem Cell (MSC) Therapy for COVID-19 and Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome(ARDS)
- Rationale for the clinical use of adipose‑derived mesenchymal stem cells for COVID‑19 patients
- The Treatment that Could Crush COVID
For more information please contact: [email protected]