Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) is exactly what it sounds like: an injury to the brain. The CDC defines TBI as “a disruption in the normal function of the brain that can be caused by a bump, blow, or jolt to the head, or penetrating head injury.” The injury can be the result of something as simple as a fall or a collision in contact sports such as football or soccer, or something more extreme such as a bullet. While everyone is at risk for a TBI, high risk groups include athletes, military personnel, children, and older adults. Injury to the brain can result in temporary or permanent neurological disabilities.

Traumatic Brain Injury Statistics

TBI is a major cause of death and disability in the United States. According to the CDC, between 2006 to 2014, the number of TBI related ER visits, hospitalizations, and deaths increased by an astounding 53%. As such, TBI contributed to the deaths of over 56,000 people in 2014.

These statistics are scary, and the truth is that current treatment modalities focus on stabilization, such as pulmonary ventilation and oxygenation or surgery in extreme cases. But there are currently no treatments that help resolve the disabilities that can be caused from traumatic brain injuries. Yet…

Stem Cells for TBI

We believe that stem cell therapy may provide needed answers and tools to address the chronic debilitation experienced by TBI victims, whether the cause is military or sports or accidents.  There is strong scientific evidence for why stem cell therapy may be beneficial in trauma therapy. There is a wide range of articles about how stem cells can literally turn off neuroinflammation, a major cause of degeneration in the brain after injury. And equally as important, recent data demonstrates that stem cell therapy can reduce pain and block or reverse opioid tolerance and addiction.  Researchers have done some preliminary studies on the use of stem cells to treat traumatic brain injury. And the results look promising! In several in-vivo studies, stem cells have demonstrated the ability to regenerate damaged nerve tissues which may lead to an improvement in disabilities and thereby quality of life.

Stem Cell Clinical Trial for TBI?

While the current research looks good, more clinical trials are necessary to determine the safety and effectiveness of stem cell therapy for TBI. That is where Personalized Stem Cells comes in. Our goal is to have an approved IND this year to conduct a phase 1 clinical trial. We will release more details as they become available so stay tuned!